Thursday, November 16, 2006

Does Having Sex Online Make it Less of a Betrayal?

Hello Fellow Travelers. I’ve gotten some interesting e-mails from you. I know I’m not the most popular girl on the blog, amongst men, at least. But I’m not looking for approval. I’m looking for vindication. So many of you are angry that I’ve gone on my husband’s online account. Yet I’ve clearly had just cause. He’s been unfaithful. Using the Internet to betray our commitment. Does having sex online make it less of a betrayal?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Pandora’s Box

Thank you so much That keystroke recorder was like opening Pandora’s box. The woman that my husband is having an affair with is named FastFilly (her email is in case you want to drop her a note ;)). She’s trash - he won’t remember her next year, much less next week. More worrisome was a rather intimate e-mail exchange with one of his account managers, Bethany. That one I have to nip in the bud so,

Now thanks to TruBlue, I go online as ADEX all of the time. When he’s sleeping, showering, working out I troll the Internet to see who his name attracts. Last night I went online as my husband and sought out this FastFilly. We had sex. It was odd being my husband and having sex with another woman. Afterwards, I told her I felt guilty. That I didn’t want to do this anymore. I was very much in love with my wife. If that doesn’t chase her away, then she’s psychotic.

Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2006 8:19 PM
Subject:Glad 2 be of assistance

Glad 2 be of assistance. I try to lend a hand to those who aren’t as familiar with the web. It’s remarkable how people feel that it’s safe to say anything online, be anyone. I think, they think, that their words aren’t accountable, that they disappear like trash on trash day. But the words, like trash have to go somewhere. You can melt them, squash them, bury them under concrete, but they still EXIST. One just needs to know where to look…